The Manna Network is a member of The Open Directory Project 2.Pro (the first-of-its-kind co-operative ad network) that provides better and longer-term compensation to web content creators!

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Website operators generate web traffic and also consume web traffic. Manna Network brings a win-win-win arrangement to website operators and content producers and advertisers by pooling and aggregating the web traffic from lots of smaller sites into a larger, more valuable, more marketable and manageable block. Then we enable each installer of our software to be an agent to sell that aggregate to their visitors for long-term, repeating commissions.

The cooperative structure also provides web traffic to its members at wholesale prices. This low-cost, non main-stream approach also provides an alternative or complementary web traffic acquisition system as Pay Per Click, S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization), SEO and Social Media

The Cooperative

The Open Directory Project 2.Pro Cooperative Ad Network aims to provide a new paradigm in the web advertising field. Their software pools and aggregates the web traffic from lots of website operators of all sizes (i.e. thus forming a producer co-op). Then, it enables each website to operate as an agent to sell the product (thus creating it’s own marketing co-op from among the producers).

Their compensation system provides long-term compensation by paying site operators for as long as their customers remain AND for the growth they generate for the cooperative. Advertisers can become members when they install their free software (which generates a great feature for their website – a complete [with categories, links, management etc.] Yellow Pages type web directory [effortless, maintenance free for the hosting site operators]). They, too, get to offer their visitors absolutely free advertising across the entire network.

Advertisers initially advertise for free but then can optionally use the ODP.Pro’s proprietary bidding system to purchase better positions. All fees they pay are generously shared with the hosting site in a perpetual manner for as long as the customer remains. That is long-term compensation system #1. The second long-term compensation system derives from the fact that every customer/advertiser is a potential member. If and/or when a customer becomes a member it is because a current member generated that lead. We compensate the hosting site operators with over-rides commissions on the earnings of any of their customers that join the co-op. Each new member provides the coop additional web traffic and more marketing.

The commission system thus pays the operator/marketer for the long-term customer value that they bring into the co-op. Since the co-op markets it’s one-and-only product (i.e. web advertising) to only website operators, we know each customer also operates a website and is a web traffic producer too. We now have an opportunity to offer our free software to them and recruit them as a new member. Each customer is a very valuable potential member. It is a self-feeding mechanism that generates income for website operators.

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